Accelerate Your
Label-free Workflow
Key Features: 96-well plate quantitation in 2 minutes. 32 x 32 epitope binning in less than 8 hours. Full plate off-rate ranking in minutes, not hours. Simultaneously reads 8, 16, 32, 48 or 96 wells.
Key Applications:
- Epitope binning experiments, off-rate ranking, and titer determination.
Epitope binning analysis software for easy visualization of data sets.
Protein concentration determination using the 32, 48, or 96 biosensor modes.
- Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) based on fiber optic biosensors. Yes/No binding, kinetic and affinity analysis, specific and selective detection of molecules, and relative and absolute quantitation of specific proteins.
- Data presentation in real-time kinetic binding and fitted results plots/graphs. Concentration data analysis including calibration curves and output of tabulated concentration data.
- Robot compatible, microplate and biosensor tray loading. Sample types: Proteins, antibodies, peptides, DNA, RNA, liposomes, bacterial cells, viruses, mammalian cells, small molecules in various media.
- PC operating system: Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit, Windows 7 Professional, 32-bit. Interfaces: RS232, USB.
- Molecular weight detection: > 150 Da (8–16 biosensors), > 5000 Da (32–96 biosensors). Baseline noise: < 4 pm (8–16 biosensors); < 8 pm (32–96 biosensors). Precision range: CV < 10%.
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